How can Constellations help you ?
The method of Constellations is a simple and effective tool, accessible to all, used to clarify and resolve a family, private or professional situation which causes unease or suffering in your life.
There are different types of Constellations, depending on the particular situation which you need to work on, such as relationship break-up, patchwork-family, conflicts of inheritance, bereavement, choice of career, failure in studies or at work, chronic health issues, worries about young children or pets, etc...
In order to make this method of Constellations as accessible as possible, I offer different types of services, such as preliminary telephone interview, an individual or couple consultation, a group workshop, a home visit (for you and your loved ones), a visit to your practice (for your own patients), a visit to your training group (for you and your colleagues), and last but not least a consultation on Skype.
I am a certified counsellor in Family and Systemic Constellations (Germany), trained in Family Constellations (with Bert HELLINGER) and Systemic Constellations (with Gunthard WEBER and Matthias VARGA von KIBÉD), and I have developed my own method for Animal Constellations.
I offer Constellations in three languages: French, English and German. Please call me for a free preliminary discussion or fill in the contact form.
There are different types of Constellations, depending on the particular situation which you need to work on, such as relationship break-up, patchwork-family, conflicts of inheritance, bereavement, choice of career, failure in studies or at work, chronic health issues, worries about young children or pets, etc...
In order to make this method of Constellations as accessible as possible, I offer different types of services, such as preliminary telephone interview, an individual or couple consultation, a group workshop, a home visit (for you and your loved ones), a visit to your practice (for your own patients), a visit to your training group (for you and your colleagues), and last but not least a consultation on Skype.
I am a certified counsellor in Family and Systemic Constellations (Germany), trained in Family Constellations (with Bert HELLINGER) and Systemic Constellations (with Gunthard WEBER and Matthias VARGA von KIBÉD), and I have developed my own method for Animal Constellations.
I offer Constellations in three languages: French, English and German. Please call me for a free preliminary discussion or fill in the contact form.